Saturday, December 27, 2008

My First Oreo Cookie

As we were preparing for Santa's arrival a few days ago Brad casually asked what Grayson was going to leave out for him. Since most of you know, I am NOT a baker, I decided I'd put Oreo's on the shopping list (we rarely keep cookies in the house, they are both Brad and I's weekness). Anyways, then I realized that Grayson had never actually tried an oreo. So....after he ate his lunch (as evidence from the pizza sauce that is all over his face) I got out an oreo to see what he thought. I twisted it apart and gave him both pieces. I must have had a strange face or something when I gave it to him because at first he just took both of the pieces and stared at them like, what am I suppose to do with this. Anyways, after a few seconds he decided to take a bite---and of course loved it. We've pretty much finished them all (Santa really enjoyed them too) and now that I'm thinking of them, a late night snack doesn't sound too bad---hopefully I'll beat Brad to the last few we have left.


Nicole said...

Oh we love oreos at our house.

Stace said...

We left oreos, too! Taryn said, "I'm pretty sure Santa loves oreos, since milk does!" You know how it says that on the package about milk?! She's pretty funny. Gray looks like he agrees too!

vandi said... does he just keep getting cuter and cuter, even with pizza sauce all over his face. Oreos have definitely got to be one of my weaknesses way to go gray!

plus, thanks for the info. on the vbac. How awful for that mom that lost her baby...I can't even imagine.