Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Busy Weekend

We had a GREAT weekend!!! Friday was my day off so Grayson and I went to Chloe's birthday at Rigby Lake. The weather was sort of crappy but it didn't stop us from having fun, Grayson loved throwing the mud and rocks in the water and eventually even got in the lake. The next day Brad had to work and Grayson and I went to the zoo. He had a fabulous time but for some reason wouldn't smile in ANY of my pictures so you'd never know he had such a good time. Afterwards, we met Brad for lunch at Arctic Circle where he got to play even more. Luckily we tuckered him out and he came home and took a much needed nap. The next day Brad and I pressed our luck at the horse races, Brad won $20 but unfortunately it costs us $60 to get it, oh...well, we had such a great time we're headed back this weekend. Then on Sunday my parents invited us up to float the canal. Brad wasn't going to get in the raft but at the last minute he changed his mind (I think he was nervous about me taking Grayson by myself). It's a good thing he came though, the canal was so...fast I probably would have had a hard time stopping by myself. Plus there was a ferocious dog that almost jumped in after us about half way through the ride. All worked out well though and we had lots of fun.


Stace said...

What a fun summer weekend. How old is Chloe now?? 3??? Any news on your big move??

Ashley said...

I have yet to go to Rigby Lake this summer but we did go to the zoo and had a lot of fun. Floating the canal brings back some good memories of my childhood and one not so good memory. I lost a pair of my favorite shoes in the canal while trying to get out of the tube! Looks like you were very busy but at least you had fun. :)

Stace said...

I forgot about this.....YES, I think Gray will have plenty to do at Lagoon! There are so many new things for little, tiny guys! The cut off on a few rides is 36 inches tall (Chan was 37!) but there are several without a minimum. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you were very busy but at least you had fun....i hope the next weekend is great fun...

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